Tag Archives: bird

I am forlorn

Lost.  Bereft. . They no longer exist.

1,001 Baby Names

. . . Ok, we’re all here – everyone is a-twitter with anticipation.  Jayson’s keeping watch over the hill. . . . . . . . . The nest is a cozy spot for Jayne, who, admittedly, has had to do a lot of the work. . . And then there’s that pesky third bird […]

Ok, still waiting…

I can be patient…but maybe today the eggs will start hatching… Jayne & Jayson seem pretty determined to sit on the nest all the time & I see them “head down” in the nest.  I can tell they’re moving the eggs around – almost like they are inspecting some rare jewels…which, when you think about […]

Through the Kitchen Glass

………………………………..Such a pretty brown turquoise egg batch ………………………………..In a nest, by the gate, near the latch …………………………………….Hurry up little Jay! …………………………………….Today must be the day, ………………………………..Can’t wait for those blue birds to hatch.

Intruder alert! Or not?

An extra Jay, came over today & hung out in the rose bower.  Is it Ruder?  (see posts on 5-23-10 for a blow by blow account of the meeting)  Very handsome fellow…but the weird thing is that he had a twig. Exactly the same kind of grey twig that Jayne & Jayson used for the […]

Look up in the sky – it’s a

bird, it’s a bird, it’s a super bird!   Birds Birds Birds!!!   Why not Dogs Dogs Dogs?  Really!?  What is up with that? Look at me, people!  It’s me, Maezi.  I’m incredibly cute – so – I don’t lay eggs – big deal.  Don’t get me wrong – loooove the birds.  Love the eggs.  Really, I […]

Walking on eggshells

I can hardly stand to look – after the fight, I can’t bear to think of what state the eggs might be in – but Jayne comes & broods & acts like they’re ok.  . . . . . It’ s the afternoon, just a few hours after the melee & the way she had […]

Just when you think everything is perfect…

Jayson has been scarce today, but finally visits the nest – but no bugs – what’s up with that!?  Peck, peck a little back & forth peck – doesn’t look particularly friendly.  What?  Are they fighting?  Do they need some friendly counseling in these stressful last few days of waiting?  Jayne gives him the brush […]

Nest warming presents

Sitting, more sitting, days of sitting.  Many bugs, More sitting. & what do you give to Jays as a nest-warming “welcome baby” present?  Worms?  I don’t see worms all that often – only earthworms, only after a rain, & then I like to rub my chest on the ground so the worms stick to my […]

That’s so

Raven.  Ravenous.  Ewwww!  Now I know where the word ravenous comes from & really illustrates the bird… I just saw a huge raven pluck some small bird out of the air & land on the lawn & eat it!   It was huge & scary!  Its body was as long as mine -I didn’t even have […]