Ok, still waiting…

I can be patient…but maybe today the eggs will start hatching…

Jayne & Jayson seem pretty determined to sit on the nest all the time & I see them “head down” in the nest.  I can tell they’re moving the eggs around – almost like they are inspecting some rare jewels…which, when you think about it, they are!    It seems like they do it about once an hour, but hey, I have to get some plush toy time in, so I can’t watch them all the time.

But they still exit the nest for a break quite often.  What?  Do the eggs get too hot?  Do they need to cool off, & really, how can they tell with their own body temperature that the eggs need to be turned over?  Fascinating.

When I think about it, I know when I get too hot I like to go lay on the tile floor.   But, here’s my conundrum.  Why do I like to lay on the hottest bricks I can find?  Really, it’s like the floor of an oven.  I’m covered in fur.   What’s up with that?  I do my best thinking in the sun.







…hmmm, maybe Maezi will help me with the names…