Tag Archives: bird

Those birds are really twerps

More accurately, their conversations consist of “twiiiiiirp”. Yep, that’s what they sound like to me.  I’m sure I sound like “arf, arf, arf” to them.  At least I try to vary my dialog with “ruffs” & “barks”, the occasional “grrr”, even a few “woofs” thrown in for good measure – of course that’s just when […]

Rain Rain, Go Away

So, now the Jays are getting serious.  Seriously brooding that is – sitting, sitting, sitting, turn the eggs!  Sit, sit, sitiiiiing.  Snuggle down… It’s a little cold.  A little windy.  The nest sways to & fro in the rose bower. Settled in – hunkered down, patiently waiting.  I’ve never seen Jayne so beautiful as this…Adorned […]

Predator Patrol

Maezi has appointed herself the guardian of the nest.  She patrols the back yard & the interior of the Predator Preserve several times daily.  She barks at the mocking birds that stop on patio&  she shoos off  the occasional neighbor cat who ventures into the yard.  For their part, the Jay birds spend their time […]

One hour later…

Back to 3 eggs!!! Wow, that’s what I call efficient!  How the heck does she just pop one out?  I mean, really, one on “stand by”?

What do you do with a broken heart?

Jayson’s back.  Or is it Jayne?  Sits on nest for a only a moment, then gets up & starts moving the eggs around.  What do you do with a broken egg?  Then EEWWWWWWWW!    Eating – eating something black, stretching a stringy black thing, pulling it out of the nest.  Eating, eating, ECK!  That is not […]

Crick Crack

One of the eggs is cracked in half…are those tiny feathers?  It’s way too early for hatching & it just looks wrong.  Does the brown spot mean incubation or is something wrong?  Will they all break?  Isn’t it supposed to take 16-18 days to hatch?  What does it all mean?!!

We’re okay, they’re okay

There once was a nesting blue Jay That sat in the flowers all day …..We went in our pen …..We watched and so then The Jay thought that we were okay.

Three, the magic number

Woohoo!   All as beautifully colored as the first…unbelievable colors. There is a newly focused commitment to brooding on the nest.  Sitting, sitting, sitting.

What else do they have to do?

It’s weird to me that they stick around for awhile & then leave for hours at a time… Once the egg is laid, doesn’t it need constant incubation? Where are they at night?  We can’t see if they’re there, ‘cuz we don’t turn on the light, but I know they can see us thru the […]

One egg, two egg, brown egg, blue egg

Jayne, Jayson, one of ‘em hangs out in the nest sitting for awhile.  Later, tail in the air, stands – looking at us.  Standing, looking, looking, standing, watching us watch thru the window.  Break time. All that standing…now it makes sense.