Tag Archives: Pom

Hatch this!

Ok, so one of the fun things about Easter, is that we get to go on a hunt…AND our eggs hatched… I just love soft fluffy little things when they come out of their shells… . . . . . But the really mysterious puzzle has been the alien pod & what it was going […]

Observing the rituals of Mother’s Day

Maezi & I are very mindful of the rituals in our lives…we have things we do every morning – if we don’t do it, it feels like we’re missing something.  But occasionally, we like to mix it up, so yesterday, we let Mom sleep in – until 7:01 am.  & today – till 7:23 am.  […]

Happy Barkin’ Easter

A beautiful, bright sunny day, I just wanted to frolic and play. …..But I’m stuck on my keester …..Just waiting for Easter… Those are BIG eggs for Bunny to lay! . . . . . . Maezi & I are going to have fun opening those…& when she’s not looking, or even when she is…I’m […]

Spring Fling continued – Maezi, guest blogger

My superior tracking abilities & keen powers of deduction gave me the edge I needed to discover Auggie’s trail.  What to do?  We are NOT allowed down the hill…however, the steps of doom beckoned me.  I had to find my brother.  I tracked the prints down, down, down – what I determined is…. . . […]

Spring Fling – Maezi, guest blogger

…so…we’re not supposed to head down the hill.  In fact, it is expressly forbidden.  I don’t know what got into Auggie.  Or me, for that matter.  All I know is that it was a glorious day & there were tasty aromas in the air.  The rain had finally ended & there was a scintillating breeze […]

Who is Rube Goldberg?

And…..what is he doing at my house?  OK, so it’s been raining cats & dogs.  Well, actually, fat, florid, giant, heavy, smattering wet drops.  I haven’t noticed any of the cats, possums, birds, raccoons…anybody, really…  ‘Cuz it’s too darned wet to go outside.  In fact, I refused.  We won’t discuss the ramifications of that, except […]

céad míle fáilte

There once searched a young dog in green ‘Midst the flowers betwixt and between. …..Though tales he’d been told, …..Of a pot full of gold, He discovered a wild Irish Queen. A hundred thousand welcomes from your 100% bone-a-fide Irish bard – consorting with druids, in touch with the leprechauns & full of the blarney: […]

The Molar of the story is…

I was feeling a little woozy, I gotta say.  I didn’t really know how much that darned tooth hurt until I didn’t have it any more.  Plus, the drugs they give you to go home on are pretty good.  So I spent the afternoon drowsing & dreaming. . . Maezi actually didn’t bug me or […]

The Tooth Fairy

or…how my triple root tooth went bad.  Bad tooth!  Bad!  It all started with the nylabone gnawing I think.  Oh, how I just love a good chew.  Anyway, at some point, apparently, I cracked my front molar.  Not a slab fracture like Shaanti had, but a vertical crack all the way up. My Mom was […]

Today is my birthday!

Eight blissful, furry years… Ya know, when people say, “It’s a dog’s life”, they are just jealous.  Because, let me tell ya.  Today, on my 8th birthday, I got to sleep in late, had a little breakfast, played some games, chased Maezi, & then had a nap. Then, I played some games, had a mani-pedi, […]