… would have been Auggie’s 15th birthday. Let me re-introduce myself. I’m Maezi, Auggie’s sister. You may remember me from such famous posts as “Isn’t She Lovely?”, August, 2011 & many more. Augster always enjoyed doing the limerick thing, blogging, running around the agility jumps, exploring the yard, giving kisses. He was my playmate, […]
By Maezi ghosted by Jaci
Posted in dog, Love, Uncategorized
Also tagged Auggie, dog, Love, Maezi, Pap, Papillon, Pom, Pomeranian, sky
August 20, 2011 – 5:01 pm
A twentieth fine August earth day Occasioned a comical mirth day …..I played with my sister …..So happy…I kissed her. Sweet Maezi – you’re FOUR – Happy Birthday!
By Auggie, Ghosted by Jaci
Posted in dog, Dog Toys, Limericks, Love
Also tagged Auggie, breed, dog, Dog Toys, limerick, Love, Maezi, new tricks, Pap, Papillon, Pom, Pomeranian
Eight blissful, furry years… Ya know, when people say, “It’s a dog’s life”, they are just jealous. Because, let me tell ya. Today, on my 8th birthday, I got to sleep in late, had a little breakfast, played some games, chased Maezi, & then had a nap. Then, I played some games, had a mani-pedi, […]
By Auggie, Ghosted by Jaci
Posted in dog, Dog Toys, Holiday, Love, What's Up with That!?
Also tagged Auggie, breed, dog, Dog Toys, Holiday, Love, Maezi, Pap, Papillon, Pom, Pomeranian
January 2, 2011 – 11:58 pm
Twenty one years ago today…my brother, Shaanti, was born. I never knew him, because he was gone before I came to our house. But, I’m told was lovely snuggly & sweet – The first “together child” in the family. He liked lounging on chests & inventing his own games. . . . . . . […]
By Auggie, Ghosted by Jaci
Posted in Christmas, dog, Holiday, Limericks, Love
Also tagged Christmas, Christmas Past, dog, Dog Toys, limerick, Love, new tricks, old dog
August 22, 2010 – 10:48 am
So…Maezi has just completed her “Terrible Twos”. Since she’s 3 now, maybe she’ll stop pulling my hair & stealing my toys & ambushing me when I’m napping…oh well, maybe not. The best thing about parties at our house is that everyone gets a toy. I like the purple – although, I’m not entirely sure what […]