or…how my triple root tooth went bad. Bad tooth! Bad! It all started with the nylabone gnawing I think. Oh, how I just love a good chew. Anyway, at some point, apparently, I cracked my front molar. Not a slab fracture like Shaanti had, but a vertical crack all the way up.
My Mom was looking at my teeth & checking out my gums & saw that it was inflamed, & yes, infected. But I never said a word. I will say that Boy! Those antibiotics are wonderful, though. I’m actually much peppier now.
Alas, tomorrow I have to have my tooth pulled. I wonder if they will give it to us. We have lots of my baby teeth in the table with the fossils. Yes, I’m a paleontological wonder. Mine are the 5 between the ammonites. Maezi’s are in the lower right corner – couldn’t catch her before she ate a few.
Ok, what’s up with that? Why would she eat her own teeth? Eew! Pretty crunchy I’ll bet. And she is ALWAYS chewing on those things.
Well, I expect to put my souvenier under a pillow – not my pillow, necessarily, but since I like to wedge myself between the wall & the big bed pillows, I think I stick it there & see what the Tooth Fairy will bring. If I stick it under my pillow, Maezi will just eat it.