So last night, we were hanging out with Mom, watching “Dogs 101” about very rare breeds. I liked the New Guinea Singing Dog, & Maezi liked the Thai Ridgeback – until she didn’t – then she started talking back to it. She didn’t think they were friendly enough, except for Magic, the one that surfed.
At the beginning & there was a bit on jackals, our wild cousins. Dang, they are CUUUUUTE!
But they also have a dark side – did you know that Anubis, is the ancient Egyptian Jackal-headed god of the afterlife & was charged with protecting the tomb of the dead (mummy)?I know this because my Mom is an Egyptophile geek & well, it rubs off…
Anyway, watching this whole dog-fest made me realize that my summer vacation is just about over, really, & it’s time to get back to the limericks. Besides, my wild cousins are just so darned adorable looking, they inspired me.
………love the ears.
There once were some sad quiet jackals
Whose silence meant many raised hackles
…..But they teased the riffraff
…..And they had the last laugh
Now the wilderness rings with their cackles.
Photo credits:
Two Jackals – Paul Mannix, Flickr; Anubis & laughing jackal, public domain & wiki.
Next week’s limerick breed: TBD