Curiouser & Curiouser

What’s that?!  Oh, my heart!  How it quickens
And pounds up and down like the dickens
…..That mesh is so queer
…..But why should I fear?
It’s only a wire for the chickens…











..Maezi Guest Blogs

Auggie finds himself in “Limerick Limbo” this week.  He is working on the next breed limerick, but he’s been kinda busy with a special project, too, so I jumped in.  Actually, I like jumping in – sometimes I jump where I’m not supposed to, but then, I consider myself to be fearless.  Ok, except when it comes to smelly possums.  Really.  It was huge!

Speaking of jumping in, I am very curious.  Can’t get enough of poking around & I’m always busy.   For instance, what do they keep behind that wire?  That chicken wire?  Is it some secret?  & why do they call it chicken wire…?  Well?

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